Classes 2020-2021
Classes Archive >Note: Ages refer to students’ age on 9/1/20.
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
12:20 PM - 1:00 PM
1:05 PM - 2:05 PM
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Mt BakerDescription:
This introductory photo editing and design class is for students who desire the skills to create compelling, high-quality graphic designs and photos. Students will learn the basics of of photo editing and design through the use of hands-on projects, allowing them to use their creativity while developing important foundational skills. Photo editing software will be used to create a range of projects involving the mastery of technical topics such as working with layers and masks, the use of filters, brushes, and other special effects, as well as effectively using typefaces to create visual impact. Digital images will be supplied for weekly homework assignments, and as the year progresses students will be encouraged to take photos using a mobile device or camera (if they desire) for creating their own custom projects. Basic photography tips and techniques will be incorporated throughout the course. Some weekly assignments will be submitted digitally while others will require uploading and printing of photos from Costco, for example. I use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, but there are other similar-enough resources available. I will recommend one of the Adobe photo editing programs specifically (either Lightroom or Photoshop) as the class draws near.
For class each week students are responsible to bring: a laptop with wireless internet, supporting components like power cords and other cables for getting photos from a device (camera, phone, tablet, etc.) to the laptop, and the recommended Adobe photo editing program via monthly subscription. See for operating system requirements and student pricing options (roughly $10/month). Students will also be responsible for the cost of printing photos for class assignments as needed. One last note: I work from a Mac, so PC is my second language. It helps greatly if PC students know their way around their own computer to access files, where their uploaded images are stored, etc. However, if this is all new to both of you, don’t despair. We will figure it out! 🙂
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Room:
Traditional pre-calculus taught with Math-U-See, an excellent program developed within the homeschool co-operative environment. Topics include trigonometry, identities, polar equations, logarithms, sequences, series, limits and more, to prepare for calculus. Optional honors lessons are available to students who want a more challenging pre-calculus experience. Algebra II concepts are reviewed weekly to keep students fresh for SAT/ACT tests. Homework should take 4 – 5 hours per week.
Successful completion of Algebra II.Cost:
$336 tuition per year, paid in six $56 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Textbook:
Pre Calculus Universal Set, Math-U-See
TI-84 Plus Calculator (TI-84 Plus CE even better)
Health education will be approached holistically, covering all aspects of our health from a Christian perspective including physical, mental/emotional, social/relational, and spiritual.
This will include a study of the eleven systems of the body, nutrition, exercise, discussion of disease, mental health topics such as managing stress and anxiety, mental illness, relational health with parents and peers, as well as exploring spiritual health. My overall goal is to give the students tools to grow toward wholeness and discuss relevant issues related to their health.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
This class will allow students to dive deeper into a text and put together an ensemble piece of theater. We will build a show from the ground up, taking into account design and the actors involved in the production.
Expectations: mandatory memorization, regular attendance, 1-1.5 hours a week, at home, outside of class. Families can expect to participate in approximately 3-5 out of class/off campus rehearsals between January and April. Participation in all performances is required. Performance dates yet to be determined (sometime during April – May). Parents will be asked to provide five to ten hours of production work throughout the year in costumes, props, makeup, ticket work, house management, etc. Audio/video recording or photography of rehearsal or performances may occur and be publicly posted.
A $150 production fee will be collected.
UPDATE: Due to regulations regarding the current pandemic, class will change. We will be looking at all aspects of production in this class. From play selection through auditions, design and performance. The end product will be a virtual presentation. Should the ability to perform in person arise (in a safe and LEGAL way) we will be able to pivot easily. We will focus on choosing a show, developing auditions, design, rehearsal and presentation as a class. Thus, no audition is needed before class starts. The plan is to start class in person, if students are not comfortable attending in person, they should be prepared to attend class online during regularly scheduled time.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $52 copy/supply fee per semester, paid in two $52 payments.Room:
Making Math Meaningful introduces children to the beauty and excitement of mathematics. Students will use manipulatives and visual thinking to explore mathematics, develop understanding, and solve problems. In class lessons designed to strengthen basic number sense while developing students’ proficiency with numeration, fractions, measurement, geometry, probability, statistics, and data analysis. This class uses a workbook, calendar lessons that explore math concepts, games and hands on activities to make math meaningful.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Mt BakerDescription:
Have you ever wanted to know what life was like while traveling to the New World? Do you want to travel alongside Harriet Tubman on the Underground Railroad? Would you like to follow Lewis & Clark as they travel out west? Perhaps you want to understand what life was like during the Dust Bowl! This elementary course will ambitiously cover American history from exploration to the modern age! Students will be completing interactive journals and a timeline of American history. Class periods will often include books, lectures, and a time of building a page in their journals around the day’s topic. Students will be assigned occasional homework which will include a longer, out of class biographical research report.
Students should be reading and writing at a third grade level or above.Cost:
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
3 ring binder, colored pencils, pencil, glue stick, black sharpie, 25 plastic page protectors
This course will explore the world through wonderful living books that allow us to experience other cultures through the lives of their characters. Students will learn the geography, culture, and history of many countries of the world, on every continent. Some of our books will sensitively explore difficult topics that are faced by children in other cultures (such as child labor, the effects of war, and violence). Younger students who enroll must be proficient readers and ready to discuss hard things maturely. Students will learn elements of literature and grow in their understanding of literature. They will also build their understanding of culture, history, and what makes cultures unique. Students will complete map work, quizzes on culture and geography, and reflective and research writing. Students will be expected to complete daily reading assignments each week, along with outside of class homework and writing assignments. Expect 2-4 hours of homework out of class per week.
Students should be proficient readers and writers, prepared to take notes during lectures, and ready to handle difficult topics maturely.Cost:
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
Book List TBD – Students will be required to purchase or borrow from library.
3 ring binder with dividers, colored pencils, pencils, glue stick, lined notebook paper
Have you ever wondered what makes a good storyteller? You can listen to an audiobook by one reader and it falls flat, while another reader is able to bring the story to life. Why? Sometimes poetry is painful to listen to and other times it transports you emotionally. What is the difference?
Oral Interpretation is the study of storytelling. Whether it is to gain further skills in acting, speech competitions, or just to strengthen interpersonal communication and confidence, the study of storytelling can bring tremendous opportunities for personal growth. In this class, we will discuss literary analysis, deep characterization, blocking and how to use your voice as a tool. There will be a spring recital for students to showcase the stories or poems they have selected for presentation.
No experience with speech or public speaking is required. Students involved in a speech and debate community should note that this class will be taught according to the guidelines and categories for competition in both the STOA and NCFCA forensic organizations. The spring recital will be held before regional competitions for those two organizations. Participation in competition will not be required, but will be strongly encouraged.
$234 tuition per year, paid in six $39 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Textbook:
Students will explore exceptional children’s literature through the popular “Five in a Row” curriculum. This class focuses on books about American history. A unit study approach includes investigation into science, geography, writing and art topics. Every two weeks a well-written and illustrated picture book takes center stage. Students hear the book read aloud, add information to a timeline, learn various literary and artistic techniques, and experience hands-on projects, games, skits and songs. Creation of a special binder encourages a life-long interest in reading.
Possible titles include Knots on a Counting Rope, Paul Revere’s Ride, Follow the Drinking Gourd, and So Far from the Sea.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Room:
This is an introductory level course. The curriculum is simple, straightforward, and fun! If you have had little or no grammar, this class is for you. We will begin with learning the parts of speech and move to capitalization and punctuation rules, sentence structure, and other basics. There will be homework each week including journaling, vocabulary words, and grammar exercises. Expect to spend 1-3 hours per week on homework.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
Shurley English Level 3 Student Workbook, ISBN 9781585610419
Shurley English Level 3 Practice Booklet, ISBN 9781585610549
blank personal journal
Students will be able to read a script and find the clues that determine what needs to happen behind the scenes to make it all come together. We’ll cover the basics of Stage Management, Marketing, Sound Design, Lighting Design, Set Design, Prop Design and Theater Safety/Etiquette. Students will get a wide breath of introductory knowledge and then be able to specialize in their field of interest in technical theatre. Students will be required to support at least one Connections Drama production where they will apply new skills hands-on and have opportunities for other internships in the theatre industry.
Letter of Recommendation from a community member or teacher demonstrating student’s dependability, maturity with expensive equipment, and time management/ability to commit to this class for a full year including 2-3 weekends of production support.Cost:
$264 tuition per year, paid in six $44 payments. $102 copy/supply fee per semester, paid in two $102 payments.Textbook:
The Backstage Handbook: An Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information, 3rd Edition, by Paul Carter
Each student should have a laptop they can work on actively during class.
Welcome to the Workshop! Music Workshop builds a solid foundation in music through games, singing, movement, and other activities. Students will develop skills in music reading and performance as well as an understanding of various styles of music. Students will also prepare performance pieces and share their musical accomplishments during Connections’ Christmas and spring choir concerts. With each additional year in class, students will gradually acquire deeper and more thorough knowledge and skills in music.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Room:
The playroom is designed to give toddlers to seven-year-olds a safe environment to play while their siblings attend classes. On a rotating basis, parents will supervise and bring activities. The activities rotate to add variety to the hours and should be simple in order to appeal to the wide age span. All participating parents will be asked to submit a Voluntary Disclosure Statement for a Washington State Patrol background check.
Playroom Coordinator: Elisa Handley
$22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Room:
We’ll learn how to audition, rehearse, and perform a one-act play full of drama, suspense, and maybe even some comedy. This class will be full of confidence building strategies and dramatic fun. We’ll learn acting skills through drama games and apply our skills to our rehearsals, all culminating in the final performance of a one-act play.
Production Fee: $100. Family Volunteer Commitment: Opportunities for family members to help with sets, props, and costumes will be available but not required. Performance Tickets: Families encouraged to ‘sell’ at least 10 tickets at a value of $5. Occasional out of class rehearsals will be held. Performances: Two performances over one weekend.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Room:
Performance Class! This high energy class will allow students to experience the joy, magic, and benefits of theatre: self-confidence, public speaking, empathy, problem solving, follow through, teamwork and more!
Theater helps students grow and develop life skills that can be used in all aspects of life. Students will work on proper vocal technique, choreography, staging, and line memorization through the production of a musical. This class will build a community that will tackle the complete production of a musical from scheduling and design to performance and clean-up.
EXPECTATIONS: mandatory memorization, regular attendance, 1-1.5 hours a week, at home, outside of class. Families can expect to participate in approximately 3-5 out of class/off campus rehearsals between January and April. Participation in all performances is required. Performance dates are yet to be determined; they will be sometime between March and May. Parents will be asked to provide five to ten hours of production work throughout the year in costumes, props, makeup, ticket work, house management, etc. Audio/video recording or photography of rehearsal or performances may occur and be publicly posted.
A $150 production fee will be collected.
UPDATE: Due to regulations regarding the current pandemic, class will change. Our performance will not be planned for in-person. The reality of our current abilities is too rooted in chance to plan for that. Should the option to perform in person arise (in a safe and LEGAL way) we will be able to pivot easily. The plan is to practice and perform 2-3 small musicals that will be recorded or shared virtually. Students should expect to participate in 2-3 outside regular class time recording sessions. The plan is to start class in person, if students are not comfortable attending in person, they should be prepared to attend class online when required and to watch recordings of class and respond appropriately.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per semester, paid in two $37 payments.Room:
Theater helps kids develop into strong, empathic, productive adults and this class will help build a strong base for young performers (and non-performers too!). Class will help students with:
Speech – speaking clearly and at a manageable volume.
Community – working together with EVERYONE.
Comfort – being comfortable in front of others.
Independence – working alone and responsibly.
Reading & Comprehension – speaks for itself.
Through games, storytelling, exercises, and in-class presentations, students will develop skills that they will use over and over. This is not a performance class. Students will be expected to memorize lines for in-class presentations and videos. Audio/video recording or photography of in class presentations may occur and be publicly posted.
UPDATE: Due to regulations regarding the current pandemic, class will not change.The plan is to start class in person, if students are not comfortable in person, they should be prepared to attend class online during regularly scheduled time.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $52 copy/supply fee per semester, paid in two $52 payments.Room:
In this class we will continue to unleash our creativity in areas such as: tiling, glass etching, concrete molding, ink transferring, and much more! This class will offer an opportunity to experiment and become familiar with a variety of media such as wire, paint, wood, metal, concrete, tile, paper mache, and glass. It will also provide proper instruction and the opportunity to work with basic tools (hammer, tin snips, wire cutters, pliers, drill). We will often think “outside the box” — exercising frugality, resourcefulness and good stewardship as we learn to re-imagine, repurpose, utilize and incorporate common household items into our projects.
This is NOT an art technique class. This class is a “take materials and glue/cut/shellac/decoupage/ saw/heat/hammer/stitch/bend them together” to make something really unique and potentially useful or profitable. We will have GREAT FUN but this is not for the “timid of crafting” as we will definitely get our hands dirty and learn how to handle sharp metal edges, heavy gauge wire, hot surfaces, some stinky chemicals and the occasional power tool! Modern Crafting is NOT a prerequisite for this class. Outside of a few fan favorites, MORE Modern Crafting projects will be different from the ones we completed in Modern Crafting. See some of the potential craft projects for this class.
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $75 copy/supply fee per semester, paid in two $75 payments.Textbook:
Each student will be required to provide a few basic crafting/safety supplies for their personal use; each of these must be brought to class WEEKLY:
1. Heavy-duty work gloves
2. Eye protection
3. Hammer
4. Needle nose pliers with wire cutters
5. Dust Mask
6. Scissors
7. LATEX-FREE rubber gloves
8. Tape measure
Mt BakerDescription:
¡Hola, Amigos! Welcome to Spanish 1. I am looking forward to sharing my bilingual life and multicultural world with your student this upcoming school year. Vocabulary, grammar, and conversation will be our emphasis this year. We’ll also cover telling time, numbers, dates, definite and indefinite articles, adjectives, the three types of regular Spanish verbs (-AR, -ER, IR), some irregular verbs, and much more. We’ll use games, quizzes, scripture memorization, and special projects throughout the year to make leaning fun. This class covers the first full year of high school Spanish. Most students take this class for a high school credit, so all students must be prepared to keep up. There are 3-4 hours of homework per week. Around the holidays we will look at how different countries celebrate, and learn about folkloric dances and music. Throughout the year we will hopefully have special guests who will come in their traditional outfits representing their home country.
$234 tuition per year, paid in six $39 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Textbook:
Spanish is Fun Book 1, by Heywood Wald, 5th edition, soft bound, ISBN: 9781634199285
3 ring binder with 4 dividers, multiple packets of index cards to be used throughout the year, red pen and pencil with eraser.
The students in Spanish 2 will continue their written and verbal study of Spanish at a more advanced level. Students will continue to study Spanish grammar as they learn to converse in this wonderful language. We will continue to build upon conversation skills learned in Spanish 1, increase vocabulary, and cover more in-depth grammar. We will study direct and indirect objective pronouns, stem changing and reflexive verbs, negative and positive commands, and preterit and imperfect tenses. Spanish 2 covers the entire second year of high school Spanish. It is a very intense class, and the material is very advanced. Plan on 3-4 hours of homework per week. Around the holidays, we will look at how different countries celebrate and will learn about folkloric dances and music. Throughout the year we will have special guests who will come in their traditional outfits representing their home country. I am looking forward to sharing my bilingual life and multicultural world with your student this upcoming school year.
Spanish 1Cost:
$264 tuition per year, paid in six $44 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Spanish Is Fun: Book 2, by Heywood Wald, ISBN: 1629746703 or ISBN: 978-1629746708
501 Spanish Verbs, by Christopher Kendris, preferably the most current version but any edition should do
3 ring binder with 4 dividers, several packs of index cards to use throughout the year, red pen, and pencil with eraser
The Connections Yearbook is student-developed, with parental involvement, using a yearbook publisher and web-based design service. A wireless enabled laptop is required for each student for in-class instruction. Homework during the week can be done on any internet enabled computer from home. The students will plan, photograph, and lay out the entire Connections Yearbook. They will receive instruction in layout and design, web-based publishing, and digital photography techniques. Having a digital camera for use is a plus. Approximately 2-5 hours of outside homework is expected to photograph classes, activities, conduct interviews, and complete online projects, which will require students to be self-motivated and able to work independently. Additional training or work-parties outside of class may be necessary and scheduled, especially as we approach deadlines. Emphasis will be placed on working as a team, setting goals, working with and learning about budgets, time management and task completion, and finally producing and marketing the yearbook. Fundraising is required. Students will be expected to secure advertisements and participate in any other fundraisers. Grades are based on attendance, fund-raising participation, quality of work produced and deadlines met.
Working knowledge of laptop. Photography skills a plus. Laptop brought to class weekly.Cost:
$300 tuition per year, paid in six $50 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
A wireless enabled laptop should be brought to class every week.
More Math Alive is a multi-sensory math class that gives young children hands-on experiences and engaging activities in a wide variety of contexts to construct knowledge. Topics include sorting, measuring, graphing, addition, subtraction, money, story problems, and more. The subjects of science, health, language arts, music, and art interact with math to make it come ALIVE! Weekly extension activities to compliment class lessons are provided but are entirely optional.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Room:
Narrative Numbers connects math and children’s literature to boost confidence in mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills. Each week students’ imaginations and interests are actively engaged through relevant and meaningful stories to introduce math concepts. Class time includes a story to form connections between a particular math skill and a relatable situation. Hands on activities further extend skills with games and manipulatives to better retain learning. Math topics covered include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, money, patterns, algebraic thinking, spatial relationships, measurement, and data analysis. This math class will delight all levels of “math-abilities”, weaving fun into math through stories. The literature list will be provided the first day of class. Purchasing children’s literature is not required. Narrative Numbers complements all math curriculums.
$192 tuition per year, paid in six $32 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Room:
This is a creation-based life science course designed to prepare middle school students for high school science. We will study scientific method, plants, microscopy, classification, animals, the human body, insects, and principles of physical science. Class lab time will include work with microscopes, dissections, and more. Students should expect 2 hours per week of homework with both reading assignments and science activities. Science should be fun, easy to understand, and interesting. By the end of the year, the teacher hopes the students will be amazed with God’s creation and will feel capable of and interested in tackling more advanced science coursework.
There will be a LIVE online option for this course which will be held on Fridays from 11:30 to 12:30.
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $52 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $52 payment.Textbook:
Science: Order and Design, by Abeka Books, 1st or 2nd edition
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
The playroom is designed to give toddlers to seven-year-olds a safe environment to play while their siblings attend classes. On a rotating basis, parents will supervise and bring activities. The activities rotate to add variety to the hours and should be simple in order to appeal to the wide age span. All participating parents will be asked to submit a Voluntary Disclosure Statement for a Washington State Patrol background check.
Playroom Coordinator: Elisa Handley
$22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Room:
This is a creation-based high school chemistry course. The course will cover units and measurement, significant figures, classification of matter, atoms and elements, atomic structure, Lewis structures, the mole concept, stoichiometry, solutions, the gas laws, acids and bases, redox reactions, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and equilibrium. It will include lecture, in-class demos, in-class lab time, and take-home labs. Students should expect 5 hours of homework per week. Grades will be based on in-class participation, completion of homework assignments, and performance on tests and quizzes. This course is designed to prepare high school students for higher level science courses.
There will be a LIVE online option for this course which will be held on Fridays from 9:00 to 10:30.
Completion of Algebra 1 with a grade of B or better.Cost:
$402 tuition per year, paid in six $67 payments. $62 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $62 payment.Textbook:
Discovering Design with Chemistry, by Wile, ISBN: 978-0-9962784-6-1
Scientific calculator (does not need graphing capability), safety goggles/glasses for use at home only (goggles for use in class will be provided by instructor)
In this continuation of Artful Journeys, students will travel through the art world to experience a variety of styles and media using well-known (and not-so-well-known) artists’ works as our inspiration. The goal is a well-rounded art exposure through creating art pieces in the styles we study. Students will learn and apply the basic elements of art (line, shape, form, texture, color, value, and space) while also learning about various artists and art movements throughout history, right up to the present day. This class will seek to cover a little bit of everything from realistic to abstract, traditional to modern, thoughtful to whimsical, monochromatic to colorful. Students will use paints (watercolor and other), oil and soft pastel, colored pencil, markers, and other art supplies. Projects will be fun and engaging, and we will create artwork every week. All supplies are provided in class.
**Note** This class will feature all new artists and projects, and is great for both new and repeat students alike!
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $67 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $67 payment.Room:
Mt BakerDescription:
In this course, we will build a firm foundation of the basics of Algebra by learning about linear and quadratic equations, linear inequalities, and more! For more details, check out the following website:
Mastery of basic math facts; working understanding of fractions, decimals, percents, and pre-algebra. Students who haven't taken pre-algebra at Connections need teacher’s permission.Cost:
$300 tuition per year, paid in six $50 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
No textbook required
3-Ring Binder, graph paper, notebook paper, pencils, 4″,6″, or 12” ruler, 2 folders for homework
In this continuation of Artful Journeys, students will travel through the art world to experience a variety of styles and media using well-known (and not-so-well-known) artists’ works as our inspiration. The goal is a well-rounded art exposure through creating art pieces in the styles we study. Students will learn and apply the basic elements of art (line, shape, form, texture, color, value, and space) while also learning about various artists and art movements throughout history, right up to the present day. This class will seek to cover a little bit of everything from realistic to abstract, traditional to modern, thoughtful to whimsical, monochromatic to colorful. Students will use paints (watercolor and other), oil and soft pastel, colored pencil, markers, and other art supplies. Projects will be fun and engaging, and we will create artwork every week. All supplies are provided in class.
**Note** This class will feature all new artists and projects, and is great for both new and repeat students alike!
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $67 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $67 payment.Room:
Students will learn the basics of science through the eyes of a researcher. They will learn scientific concepts as they perform investigations in the fields of zoology, botany, ornithology, ichthyology, entomology, oceanography, geology, meteorology, ecology, chemistry, acoustics, physics and more. (That’s animals, plants, birds, fish, bugs, the ocean, the earth, weather, the environment, chemical reactions, sound, electricity and magnetism.) Methods will include activities that will challenge students to use all of their senses to investigate these scientific fields. Students should be eager to learn about science and ready to be challenged to as they participate in research activities.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Room:
This class is designed with the goal that students have fun while getting exercise and developing basic athletic skills. We will play a variety of sports, activities, and games in class. This is a combination indoor/outdoor class; when weather permits, we will be outside. Students should wear tennis shoes, comfortable clothes, have a jacket when it is cool, and bring a water bottle. There will be no homework. Parents may be asked to help occasionally.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Room:
We see science in action all around us: but do we really see? This class, Science Stories, will help students to understand the science behind things they see in everyday life. Each class time will be spent sharing a science story from an observation, experience or a book. Students will engage in a variety of activities that introduce science skills and vocabulary to foster greater awareness of things around us. A portion of each class period will be spent doing an activity or craft related to the topic of the day.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Room:
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
The playroom is designed to give toddlers to seven-year-olds a safe environment to play while their siblings attend classes. On a rotating basis, parents will supervise and bring activities. The activities rotate to add variety to the hours and should be simple in order to appeal to the wide age span. All participating parents will be asked to submit a Voluntary Disclosure Statement for a Washington State Patrol background check.
Playroom Coordinator: Elisa Handley
$22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Room:
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
The playroom is designed to give toddlers to seven-year-olds a safe environment to play while their siblings attend classes. On a rotating basis, parents will supervise and bring activities. The activities rotate to add variety to the hours and should be simple in order to appeal to the wide age span. All participating parents will be asked to submit a Voluntary Disclosure Statement for a Washington State Patrol background check.
Playroom Coordinator: Elisa Handley
$22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Room:
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
This class will prepare the student to be successful in high school writing. Thus, it will cover a variety of topics, all of which will prepare the student for essay writing, report writing, and the type of writing necessary to be successful in high school content subjects. Parent involvement is encouraged as it greatly increases student success. This class will require about one hour of outside work each week.
$264 tuition per year, paid in six $44 payments. $29 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $29 payment.Room:
Influential author and academic Dorothy Sayers said, “The best grounding for education is the Latin grammar. I say this not because Latin is traditional and medieval, but simply because even a rudimentary knowledge of Latin cuts down the labor and pains of learning almost any other subject by at least 50 percent.”
About 80% of all English words are derived from Latin. Studies of elementary students who have taken Latin show a significant advancement in world knowledge, reading, grammar, spelling, science, and social studies. Young children’s brains are ripe for learning a language, and studying Latin has the added benefit of increasing English vocabulary and improving the understanding and usage of English grammar, all while learning to read, write, speak, and translate sentences in Latin.
Students will also develop literary and cultural appreciation for the Romans and connect how the Romans still influence the world today through projects like mosaic tile making, creating a Latin version of Clue, and performing plays in Latin. As well, the arts will be integrated into the classroom to promote the growth of neural pathways in the brain so that the learning is more cohesive and permanent!
This class will also have an alternate live online version on a separate day of the week for those students who do not feel comfortable with in-person meetings, and for students who miss their in-person class due to illness or vacation, etc.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Latin for Children, Primer A, Version 4.0 or later, ISBN: 978-1-60051-000-7
This year, we’ll continue the Latin journey we started in Beginning Latin. We’ll build a solid foundation of both English and Latin grammar, vocabulary, derivatives, and translation. By the end of the year, students will have learned over 250 Latin words plus all of their endings. (That’s 3,500 forms of words!)
Students will also develop literary and cultural appreciation for the Romans through fascinating stories and projects like Roman sword fighting and shield making. Both a Roman gladius and student-designed shield will be given as part of the class materials. As well, the arts will continue to be integrated into the classroom to augment the growth of neural pathways in the brain so that learning is more cohesive and permanent!
Beginning Latin or teacher’s permissionCost:
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $45 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $45 payment.Textbook:
Latin for Children, Primer A, Version 4.0 or later, ISBN: 978-1-60051-000-7
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
Student CenterDescription:
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in the playroom, the quiet study tables or in a car with their parent. The Hangout can only be used during or between your family’s classes. If the playroom is full, the age limit is lifted. Students under the age of eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available at the quiet study tables located at the back of the sanctuary with adult supervision.
Can you imagine your child memorizing the book of James? Many Americans unintentionally memorize hundreds of song lyrics, so why not memorize large portions of Scripture? “By the Book the Bible” combines singing, dancing, crafts, and storytelling to empower children to memorize and understand portions of Scripture, all while being driven by the invincible force of fun. At home, students will watch music videos to help reinforce memorization and prepare them for class activities that include song, dance, games, and crafts – all related to the weekly verses. Children will have so much fun hiding God’s word in their hearts!
Students must be potty trained.Cost:
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $47 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $47 payment.Textbook:
By the Book Subscription –
Student CenterDescription:
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in the playroom, the quiet study tables or in a car with their parent. The Hangout can only be used during or between your family’s classes. If the playroom is full, the age limit is lifted. Students under the age of eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available at the quiet study tables located at the back of the sanctuary with adult supervision.
Music Makers At Home in the World is offered on a two-year rotation with Music Makers Around the World. Music Makers At Home in the World includes singing, creative as well as structured movement, playing instruments and ensemble work, ear training and guided listening. This developmentally sound approach to music literacy builds symbolic thinking, concentration, memory, and self expression. Students work with written musical patterns, to begin developing an understanding of music notation.
In Music Makers At Home in the World, your child will be engaged in activities that establish a solid music-making foundation. This year focuses on your child’s fascination with nature and develops a love of musical instruments. Your child will be introduced to the sounds of orchestral instruments individually (in person whenever possible), and then in the context of an ensemble. Such a listening foundation will lead to long-term success with music reading in future classes.
$162 tuition per year, paid in six $27 payments. $30 copy/supply fee per semester, paid in two $30 payments.Room:
Student CenterDescription:
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in the playroom, the quiet study tables or in a car with their parent. The Hangout can only be used during or between your family’s classes. If the playroom is full, the age limit is lifted. Students under the age of eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available at the quiet study tables located at the back of the sanctuary with adult supervision.
In Imagine Me your child’s natural love of storytelling and imaginative play is combined with age-appropriate activities that introduce early musical concepts and foster independence, social and emotional skills, language growth, and self-control. This year we’ll travel to a farm, take a trip into the city and write our own opera, vacation at the beach and much more! Musical activities and the creative arts are integrated with vocal development, movement, and literature to capture your child’s potential to learn and encourage cognitive and literacy skills, creativity, and individuality. Imagine Me… dancing, singing, acting, crafting, exploring, and learning!
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Room:
Student CenterDescription:
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in the playroom, the quiet study tables or in a car with their parent. The Hangout can only be used during or between your family’s classes. If the playroom is full, the age limit is lifted. Students under the age of eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available at the quiet study tables located at the back of the sanctuary with adult supervision.
Student CenterDescription:
Mt BakerDescription:
Student CenterDescription:
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in the playroom, the quiet study tables or in a car with their parent. The Hangout can only be used during or between your family’s classes. If the playroom is full, the age limit is lifted. Students under the age of eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available at the quiet study tables located at the back of the sanctuary with adult supervision.
Mt BakerDescription:
¡Hola, Amigos! Welcome to “¡Hablo Español!” which means “I speak Spanish!” This class is an interactive beginner’s Spanish class, perfect for new comers AND for those returning from last year’s Hablo Español class. This year the class is titled “Passports: traveling through Central and South America.” At the beginning of the year, students will be given a notebook which will be filled throughout the year with bilingual stories, games, basic vocabulary exercises, fun interactive songs, scripture to memorize, and some cultural information about life in Central and South America. Around the holidays, we will look at how different countries celebrate, and learn about folkloric dances and music. Throughout the year special guests will come in their traditional outfits representing their home country. I am looking forward to sharing my bilingual life and multicultural world with your child this upcoming school year!
$162 tuition per year, paid in six $27 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Students will need to bring a small box of crayons or colored pencils, pencil and eraser.
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
12:20 PM - 1:00 PM
1:05 PM - 2:05 PM
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in Quiet Study, or in their car with a parent. This study hall can only be used during or between your family’s classes. Children under eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is intended for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available in the Quiet Study or upstairs at the table in the open area with an adult present.
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in Quiet Study, or in their car with a parent. This study hall can only be used during or between your family’s classes. Children under eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is intended for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available in the Quiet Study or upstairs at the table in the open area with an adult present.
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in Quiet Study, or in their car with a parent. This study hall can only be used during or between your family’s classes. Children under eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is intended for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available in the Quiet Study or upstairs at the table in the open area with an adult present.
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in Quiet Study, or in their car with a parent. This study hall can only be used during or between your family’s classes. Children under eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is intended for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available in the Quiet Study or upstairs at the table in the open area with an adult present.
There is no playroom coordinator, so we ask that you or another Connections parent remain with your child and use this space as a “stay and play” in a 1:3 parent to child ratio.
There is a tub of toys/activities for Connections’ use, which will be stored in our staging area closet in the sanctuary. The church has asked that we do not use the toys/items (which will be covered by sheets) that are in the room, as they have been sanitized.
All diapers and wipes must be taken home with you, rather than placed in a trash can. If your child needs to use the restroom, please use the restrooms located within the church, rather than the one attached to the Open Playroom.
You will also have access to the outside playground, either through the Open Playroom or through the gates outside. A Connections parent must be present when children are in the playground. The upper age limit for the playground is 5. The toys in the playground are for our use, but please put them away when you are done.
There is no playroom coordinator, so we ask that you or another Connections parent remain with your child and use this space as a “stay and play” in a 1:3 parent to child ratio.
There is a tub of toys/activities for Connections’ use, which will be stored in our staging area closet in the sanctuary. The church has asked that we do not use the toys/items (which will be covered by sheets) that are in the room, as they have been sanitized.
All diapers and wipes must be taken home with you, rather than placed in a trash can. If your child needs to use the restroom, please use the restrooms located within the church, rather than the one attached to the Open Playroom.
You will also have access to the outside playground, either through the Open Playroom or through the gates outside. A Connections parent must be present when children are in the playground. The upper age limit for the playground is 5. The toys in the playground are for our use, but please put them away when you are done.
There is no playroom coordinator, so we ask that you or another Connections parent remain with your child and use this space as a “stay and play” in a 1:3 parent to child ratio.
There is a tub of toys/activities for Connections’ use, which will be stored in our staging area closet in the sanctuary. The church has asked that we do not use the toys/items (which will be covered by sheets) that are in the room, as they have been sanitized.
All diapers and wipes must be taken home with you, rather than placed in a trash can. If your child needs to use the restroom, please use the restrooms located within the church, rather than the one attached to the Open Playroom.
You will also have access to the outside playground, either through the Open Playroom or through the gates outside. A Connections parent must be present when children are in the playground. The upper age limit for the playground is 5. The toys in the playground are for our use, but please put them away when you are done.
There is no playroom coordinator, so we ask that you or another Connections parent remain with your child and use this space as a “stay and play” in a 1:3 parent to child ratio.
There is a tub of toys/activities for Connections’ use, which will be stored in our staging area closet in the sanctuary. The church has asked that we do not use the toys/items (which will be covered by sheets) that are in the room, as they have been sanitized.
All diapers and wipes must be taken home with you, rather than placed in a trash can. If your child needs to use the restroom, please use the restrooms located within the church, rather than the one attached to the Open Playroom.
You will also have access to the outside playground, either through the Open Playroom or through the gates outside. A Connections parent must be present when children are in the playground. The upper age limit for the playground is 5. The toys in the playground are for our use, but please put them away when you are done.
There is no playroom coordinator, so we ask that you or another Connections parent remain with your child and use this space as a “stay and play” in a 1:3 parent to child ratio.
There is a tub of toys/activities for Connections’ use, which will be stored in our staging area closet in the sanctuary. The church has asked that we do not use the toys/items (which will be covered by sheets) that are in the room, as they have been sanitized.
All diapers and wipes must be taken home with you, rather than placed in a trash can. If your child needs to use the restroom, please use the restrooms located within the church, rather than the one attached to the Open Playroom.
You will also have access to the outside playground, either through the Open Playroom or through the gates outside. A Connections parent must be present when children are in the playground. The upper age limit for the playground is 5. The toys in the playground are for our use, but please put them away when you are done.
Using the DVD series, workbooks, whole class activities, class discussion, and a couple of projects, the teacher will use Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance, High School Edition, to teach 21st century personal finance, knowledge, and skills in a student centered, competency-based approach to learning. This class is equal to 1 high school credit. Homework will average around 2 hours per week. Tests are to be taken at home and proctored by a parent.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $47 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $47 payment.Textbook:
Mrs. Gilliam will provide the student workbook. Students will need to provide a folder or binder.
One of the most prolific and well known authors of all time is William Shakespeare. He and his works are studied ad nauseam all over the world, and this class will add to that legacy! Who was William Shakespeare? What is included in his work? Why do people in his plays talk funny? This class will dive into the world of Shakespeare as a man, as a playwright, and as a titan of literature. By studying Mr. Shakespeare’s life, we will be able to look at his work through a whole new light. There will be a performance piece to this class, which will be optional for students to participate in, though strongly encouraged! Performance will be an end of year event in April or May.
UPDATE: Due to regulations regarding the current pandemic, class will not change.The plan is to start class in person, if students are not comfortable in person, they should be prepared to attend class online during regularly scheduled time.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Textbook:
No Fear Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life. What is it? Is it logic? A tautology? Faulty logic? Circular reasoning? Humor?
We are sentient, that is we are aware of our own existence, and we have the God-given ability to reason. The class, Introduction to Logic, will help the student sharpen that ability. Reason allows us to more clearly understand others, and when properly exercised, it allows us to discern between logic, propaganda and nonsense.
$270 tuition per year, paid in six $45 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Textbook:
Introductory Logic: The Fundamentals of Thinking Well, by James Nance, Fifth edition. (ISBN: 1591281652)
In western culture, millions do not accept Christianity, but they’re not sure why.
On the other hand, millions claim to believe – but they’re not sure why.
When Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life, He left no wiggle room. It’s a tough sell in this culture of entitlement and relativism. Our is a society that has been conditioned to find a thing objectionable simply because it claims to be the only thing. We want to see the menu – we want to go to the theological buffet and pick the belief that most closely services our comfort. Yet, all the while, there remains the original item on the menu. It is the living water. It is beautiful Jesus who tells us, whoever drinks the water I will give him, will never thirst again. How do we sell this good news to a public that thinks they already have what they need? Furthermore, how do we defend it in the face of an increasingly cynical majority? We could try comparing our faith with other available faiths, but that is not as straightforward as it once was because among the choices at the buffet, is the current favorite – which isn’t a faith at all. It is a spongy collection of ever-changing, poorly understood ideas under the umbrella heading of materialism.
We think that if we can somehow diminish the materialist mindset, it will magnify the faith. It’s a game plan based on defense instead of offense – and while we perceive it to be the right thing to do, it is not always the shrewd thing to do, nor is it necessarily biblical.
Scripture tells us that men will come against the faith with ‘fine sounding words’ and we think that means are supposed to argue against such words, but did Jesus argue with the Romans? No, in fact the only people he got mad at were his own people – church people, and there’s the lesson. Jesus was, perhaps the most passive-aggressive person who ever lived; passive to the opposition and aggressive toward preaching the Kingdom – the superior reality. St. Augustine said, Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself. He did it. Jesus was irresistible, and He said to you and me, do what you see me doing.
The Kingdom promises to deliver identity, destiny, value and purpose. When we properly present it, the non-believer cannot escape the truth in it. Imagine a society that subscribes to materialism, suddenly realizing that their worldview weakens identity, offers virtually no destiny, is of little long-term value and ultimately serves no purpose. The thing that breaks the mindset is truth and testimony, that and the help of the Holy Spirit who makes sure we don’t gum up the works with misappropriated zeal. It works much better than trying to defend the faith by antagonizing the rest of society. The man who sells a Buick by telling the customer how bad a Pontiac is, doesn’t know his own product.
The term, coined some decades ago, is ‘Christian Apologetics’, an approach to evangelism that often defends by attacking. For some, the battleground is the question of origins, and the urgency is this; if the opening lines of Genesis are perceived to be wrong, what else is wrong? As a result, ‘apologetic science’ tends to look upon contemporary science as an enemy. It turns into combat apologetics, a conflict that supposes that the best way to win a person to Christ is to convince him that his materialism has failed him. No – the best way is, and always will be, to demonstrate Jesus of Nazareth, who came in the flesh. A ton of academics is no match for a man with a pound of conviction, because it is in conviction that we become irresistible.
To do this, we need to rely on the inerrancy of Scripture. Its words were crafted to satisfy all generations for all time. They are brilliant words dripping with genius that dare men to seek out their meaning. The cosmologist, particle physicists, paleontologist, zoologist and astrophysicists of today should stand in awe of what they are privileged to behold. One by one, leading edge practitioners of science stare down into their electron microscopes and peer into their telescopes and get the shivers – because it all looks to be so, designed. Well, it was, and it just might be that contemporary science is doing the heavy lifting for the truth of Scripture.
In this class, we will concentrate on the truth of the Kingdom. It is the thing that – when a man catches hold of it – he cannot shut up about it. He no longer has the need to diminish the opposition to make his point because the floodlight of his faith overwhelms everything else. It is what captured a thug named Paul, and made him spend the rest of his days declaring truth, unapologetically.
On our way to this discovery, we will discuss the nature of truth. We will cover a good deal of science (I love science) and we will give Scripture the rigorous inquiry it deserves. The Cross of Jesus, the centerpiece of the history of humankind will be our centerpiece. Nothing makes sense until we come to terms with the Cross. That accomplished, we will discuss (unapologetically) the ten most common objections to the faith – and how to answer them, and we finish the school year by examining a miracle that has unfolded for all the world to watch. It is the breathtaking – impossible story of the survival of the Jew. If ever there was an undeniable global demonstration of our Promise Keeping God, this is it.
$270 tuition per year, paid in six $45 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Textbook:
Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World, Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell
ISBN: 978-1401676704
We will learn about the many countries in our world and also the science of geography. Using experiments, lectures, videos, and blank maps we get glimpses of many different cultures and explore human and physical systems, and global issues. We use elements of the popular, Mapping The World by Heart curriculum to make our own world maps and finish the year with a display board depicting a country of our choice. Homework will consist of reading and coloring plates in The Geography Coloring Book and answering study guide questions which will take 1 – 2 hours per week.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Textbook:
Geography Coloring Book, by Wynn Kapit, ( ISBN-13 978-0131014725) 3rd edition. 2nd edition also okay.
A good set of 24 (or more) colored pencils.
Exploring Creation with General Science is part of Apologia’s line of award-winning homeschool science curriculum. It has been rewritten to truly walk each student through middle school’s transition time from the elementary years to the high school sciences. Specifically designed to be the first course taken during junior high, it was created to give middle school students a basic understanding of the world so that they can appreciate the real-world relevance of scientific inquiry and the beauty of creation. This course covers a wide range of the branches of science while making the connections between each. Students will learn what science is and, in a detailed and engaging way, how to utilize proper scientific method. Throughout the course, students are able to see evidence of God’s creation as they learn scientific principles. Students will be expected to read 15 – 20 pages of text, complete notebook activities, and do experimental write-up for each chapter. Two weeks will be devoted to each chapter. Class time will include hands-on experiments, lecture, video and tests.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $67 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $67 payment.Textbook:
Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, Seligson, Publisher: Apologia Educational Ministries, • ISBN-13: 978-1946506276
Using Susan Wise Bauer’s Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind, which takes students from basic definitions (“A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea”) all the way through detailed analysis of complex sentence structure (including sentence diagramming), students will build all the skills needed for the study of advanced rhetoric (persuasive speech and sophisticated writing) that they will need for high school and beyond. Instruction will consist of prescriptive learning (grasping the explicit principles that govern the English language and committing them to memory), descriptive learning (studying examples of every rule and principle), and independent practice. Students should expect about two hours of homework per week–about half an hour per day outside of class.
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind, Red Workbook, (I am working with Well-Trained Press to buy these at a discount for the class, so do not purchase indendently). Optional texts for your reference: “The Grammar Guidebook” ISBN: 978-1-945841-57-6 and “The Diagramming Dictionary” ISBN: 978-1-945841-38-5
How often do we, in our lives, get to solve a problem (climactically or not) and then ride off into the sunset to live “happily ever after?” We don’t, do we? The Hero’s Journey provides an alternative understanding of story pattern – one that more accurately depicts life’s story. In this paradigm, the usual pattern of main conflict, rising action, climax, resolution is reexamined as a circular journey that involves a separation, a transformation, and a return. The Hero’s Journey, unlike the standard “plot line,” can be seen as the pattern of human experience as reflected in most literature and film, in that the human experience is cyclical not linear. This new understanding provides students with a foundation for literary, cinematic, and personal analysis.
The Hero’s Journey paradigm fits wonderfully into a Christian life-view in that we are each called upon to heed God’s call, learn to use our God given talents to grow personally and spiritually, and ultimately give back to and enrich our communities for the glory of God. It is also possible to refuse the call and to live life selfishly; however, we will find in stories where the call is refused, the hero that refuses the call, brings evils upon himself and his community.
The class will use The Hero’s Journey: A Guide to Literature and Life, by Reg Harris and Susan Thompson as its main text and workbook (provided by the teacher), but will also explore The Hero’s Journey through essays about the Hero’s Journey, film, myths and legends, novels, and creative writing. Students can expect 2-4 hours of homework per week. This class can be taken to fulfill a full English credit.
As they will be writing interpretive paragraphs and short essays, students should be able to write a paragraph and support their assertions with textual evidence; therefore, previous enrollment in a writing class is highly encouraged.Cost:
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Room:
A Perfect Essay is designed so the students, if they wish, can do each assignment over and over again until it achieves perfection. It is not the initial requirement, so don’t let it scare you!! In this interactive and fun class, the student will have writing projects every week. We will focus on essays of all kinds–expository, narrative, how-to’s, persuasive, etc. The last written project of the year will be a report using Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines, with in-text citations and Works Cited page. The MLA will be taught as a collegiate paper, with all the rules and restrictions. SAT words will be included in each lesson. When they have completed the class, the students will be ready for their next step, whether it’s Running Start, English 101, ACT, SAT or coming back to me for another year. I anticipate the students will spend four to five hours studying, writing, and memorizing each week. Toward the end of the year, the MLA report will increase the homework to five or six hours each week.
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
Students should provide a red pen, 50 index cards, a pencil, and a black or blue pen.
Students will study the economic, political, and social struggles of the 20th century and how they affect life today. Class discussions and debates will be enhanced with readings and other resources. The course will be an overview of events and themes and will help students think critically. Students can expect 3 hours of homework per week. Most work will be short answers and essays. There will be additional readings, articles, essays, books, and videos that students will report on, as well as two projects.
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
20th Century America: A Social and Political History, by Goldfield, Abbott, Argersinger & Argersinger, ISBN: 0-13-099514-2
Explore how to tell a story through visuals and dialogue and conquer the art of “showing instead of telling.” We’ll analyze our favorite plays, learn how to adapt a classic story for the stage, write our own original ten-minute plays, and explore how to bring scripture alive through drama. Throughout the year we’ll have opportunities to share our work through staged readings with our community and submit our ten-minute plays to a national playwriting contest. This class can be tailored to each student’s level of desire to either remain behind the scenes as a writer/director or as an actor who also writes. Students can elect to earn 1 credit of English in addition to gaining performing arts experience.
Completion of one high school prep writing course or high school level writing class is highly recommended.Cost:
$228 tuition per year, paid in six $38 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Playwriting in Process: Thinking and Working Theatrically, 2nd Edition, by Michael Wright
This course acquaints students with basic scientific principles that apply to the earth and our natural environment. Emphasis is placed on current and historical geologic processes of North America with particular emphasis on Washington and the Cascade Mountain Range. New discoveries and environmental issues are discussed. Topics include: meteorology, earth’s structure/composition, crystals, minerals, rock types, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, glaciers and cave formation. Possible field trips include Mt. St. Helens, crystal digging, and rock hounding, depending on interest. This is a 90 minute lab science class for grades 9-12. Homework is 3-4 hours per week and internet is required. High school science credit given for grade C and above.
$402 tuition per year, paid in six $67 payments. $62 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $62 payment.Textbook:
Textbook and binders provided.
Learn about forces and motion, light and color, wheels, simple machines (levers, wedges, wheels/gears) magnetism, sound, inventions, and famous scientists. Class will include engaging, hands on activities for inquisitive kids. Activities include making parachutes, flying airplanes, using Legos, gears, mirrors, magnets, YouTube clips, reading/circle time, and lots more. Students usually come home with a small toy/gadget that represents what we learned about that day for reinforcement and home discussion. Emails will be sent weekly to update what we did in class.
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $62 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $62 payment.Room:
We will go on a science safari! Classes will be filled with activities, labs, and art projects. In the fall we will learn about bugs, insects, bats, birds, and local trees (very fall activities). We will go bug hunting, make a leaf place mat, holiday swags, and more. The second part of the year we will do units on chemistry basics, electricity & magnetism, and geology. We will learn about atoms, states of matter, density, pH, circuits, and grow some crystals. Occasional homework projects will be assigned. The goal is for students to be exposed to a variety of science fields, learn fundamentals of each, and be excited to pursue more science in the future.
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $62 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $62 payment.Textbook:
Students will receive a notebook filled with all materials we cover.
This class follows The Beauty and Joy of Computing from UC Berkeley which uses Snap! to build the blocks of a program. The curriculum is designed to make programming approachable for a wider range of students. We’ll introduce all the standard constructs of programming – branching, loops, data constructs, and subroutines – even recursion! In the spring, we’ll move to Python and move into full, stand-alone application coding. We’ll cover the basics of data, algorithms, abstraction, and computational problem solving. To maximize time in class for clarifying concepts and problem solving, students will require access to a laptop computer (in class) and to work from home through online course materials (from Berkeley) and solutions to the coding requirements.
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Textbook:
Students need to provide a laptop. There is internet access on location, but students will need to have backup internet access (like a hotspot) as needed.
Middle School Math sets the stage for continued success through the higher levels of math from pre-algebra forward. We will master fractions, decimals, and percents! We will learn to approach word problems fearlessly! Math-U-See is an excellent program, developed within the context of homeschool co-operatives, which works well to support students and parents. This class is GREAT for building confidence in mathematics! Parents are responsible for correcting homework each week.
Mastery of math facts including addition, subtraction, and multiplication.Cost:
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Textbook:
Math U See Zeta Student Pack (no manipulative set required)
3-ring binder, pencils, paper, 2 folders to turn in homework
French 1A combined with French 1B is equivalent to a full year high school credit. First year is divided over two years because learning a language is homework intensive and the students are in class only once a week. Once the students have the foundations of 1A and 1B, 2nd year French is covered in a single school year. Aside from Latin, no other language improves one’s English vocabulary more than French does. Class is lively, speaking is encouraged, and culture is celebrated. Daily homework is posted on Canvas, a classroom management system also used at Bellevue College. 4.5-5 hours of homework per week are expected, including watching “flipped-classroom” lessons at home. We will say the Lord’s Prayer in French at the beginning of each class.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Textbook:
I. Grammaire Progressive Du Francais: Niveau Debutant, by Marie Gregoire, French edition, Paperback, ~$22.52, ISBN: 2090381140 or ISBN: 978-2090381146
II. (Answer Key) Grammaire Progressive du Francais: Corriges Niveau Debutant (Progressive du français perfectionnement) (French Edition) (French) 2nd ed. Edition ISBN-13: 978-2090381153 ISBN-10: 2090381159
III. The Berlitz Self-Teacher: French, ISBN: 978-0399513237 or ISBN: 039951323X
IV. Easy French Reader, Premium, Third Edition: A Three-Part Text for Beginning Students + 120 Minutes of Streaming Audio (Easy Reader Series) 3rd Edition ISBN-13: 978-0071850179 ISBN-10: 0071850171
This is a Christ-centered, college-prep biology course that provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. It provides the student with a strong background in the scientific method, the five-kingdom classification scheme, microscopy, biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular and Mendelian genetics, creation vs.evolution, dissection, and ecosystems. It also provides a complete survey of the five kingdoms in creation. This is an intensive study which will prepare students for college level classes. Class time will be used for lecture, videos and experiments. Students will be expected to read 20-25 pages of text and complete study guides,tests, and lab notebook entries for each module (two weeks/module) . This class fulfills the requirement for a high school lab science. I do not recommend by-passing age requirements.
Read, write and comprehend at a 9th grade level.Cost:
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $72 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $72 payment.Textbook:
Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd Edition, by Jay Wile, ISBN: 1932012575.
Optional: Solutions and Test Manual for Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd Edition,
CSI – Connections! Forensic Science or “forensics” is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system. Learn and use concepts from biology, chemistry, physics, history and political science to analyze and evaluate evidence. Learn techniques for evidence collection and wrap your mind around deductive reasoning puzzles. Many hands-on activities and intriguing case studies make this an interesting and engaging class. Class time will include lecture, labs, and videos. There are no tests in this class. Students will read ~ 20 pages per week, answer review questions and maintain a Laboratory Notebook. Homework will be 2-3 hours per week.
Students must be 15 or above and have successfully completed a high school level science class (physical science, biology, chemistry, etc.)Cost:
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $67 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $67 payment.Textbook:
Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, 2nd Edition, (2015) Bertino & Bertino, ISBN-13: 978-1305077119. E-book, used and rentals also available. Be sure to get 2nd edition
This course will provide an overview of world history from a modern, or post dark ages, timeline. The course will provide students with an overview of events and issues that shape our world today. The goal of the class will be for students to gain an understanding of the events of world history so they can be informed global citizens. There will be classroom discussions, quizzes, weekly reading, and homework. There will also be 1 or 2 outside projects. Homework should average 2-3 hours a week.
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
World History: Continuity and Change, by Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 5th edition.
This class provides a detailed introduction to the physical environment and some of the basic laws that make it work. The fairly broad scope of the book provides the student with a good understanding of the earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. It also covers details on weather, motion, Newton’s Laws, gravity, the solar system, atomic structure, radiation, nuclear reactions, stars, and galaxies. Discussions, videos, and many hands-on experiments and activities keep students engaged and learning. Homework will be 2-3 hour/week and includes completing the student notebook assignments and study guides.
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $67 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $67 payment.Textbook:
Exploring Creation with Physical Science, by Wile, Apologia Educational Ministries; 2nd edition (April 11, 2007) ISBN-13: 978-1932012774
Teacher will provide student notebook.
College Prep Writing will prepare students for college-level writing. The class will focus on expository writing, specifically rhetorical analysis, argument essay, and personal narrative. To this end, students will:
• develop a writing process that includes prewriting, drafting, revision, editing, and publishing.
• use concrete evidence to support arguments
• study and apply syntactical patterns and rhetorical devices to compose powerful sentences
• study Aristotelian appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos) as methods of persuasion
• review grammar and punctuation rules to become precise writers and adept editors
• acquire an awareness of their reader
• discover their unique writing voice, and practice many other skills necessary to writing at the college level.
Students will have weekly writing and grammar assignments of varying length. Students should expect 3-4 hours of homework per week. This class is worth a full English credit.
Recommended to have had at least one previous high school writing course.Cost:
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
This class follows the Apologia Physics curriculum, which provides a detailed overview of the concepts and methods of physics to prepare students for a university-level physics class. The coursework will cover units, vectors, one- and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s Laws, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electricity, and magnetism. Homework should take 3-4 hours per week and will include a mix of take-home and in-class lab exercises and write-ups, readings, independent research, practice problems, and tests.
Students must have taken Algebra 1 and Geometry and should be familiar with basic trigonometry (sine, cosine, and tangent).Cost:
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $52 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $52 payment.Textbook:
Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd edition, by Dr. Jay Wile, ISBN: 1932012422;
Solutions & Tests for Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd edition, ISBN: 1932012435, often sold as a set with textbook
Reading and discussing great literature creates better readers, and better readers are better writers. However, when do we really have the chance to sit down with our peers to discuss great literature? High School Prep Reading will provide students the opportunity to read and examine great literature for the middle grades in preparation for the type of analysis expected in high school English and literature classes. The class will be organized a lot like a book club with weekly meetings. The class will begin by learning the six signposts as described in Notice & Note: Strategies for Close Reading through teacher selected short stories and novel excerpts; subsequent books will be chosen by the class from a curated list of Middle School novels. As we read, students will receive instruction on how to be engaged and responsive readers. Students will develop these skills in weekly reading journals. Grades will be based on participation in class discussion, reading journals, and other short writing assignments.
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Room:
This course provides a cursory view of United States history from colonization through the Second World War. The goal is for the student to gain a basic understanding of events that shaped this nation and the context in which these events occurred. There will be regular reading, note taking, outlines, presentations, in class conversations, group projects, and role playing. Students should plan for about 3 hours of homework per week.
$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
America: The Last Best Hope, Vol. 1, William Bennett, ISBN 978-1-59555-055-2
In this class, students will read and discuss the seven Chronicles of Narnia, written by C.S. Lewis. Students will see how Lewis draws characters and plot throughout the Narnia books, and how he emphasizes certain themes in each book. Students will keep a reading journal, collaborate on creative projects, and write a paragraph or short essay about each book. We will also watch some of the Narnia films together as a class.
Students should be able to read and write at a middle school level.Cost:
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $37 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $37 payment.Textbook:
Chronicles of Narnia Box Set, ISBN: 0061992887
Notebook, lined & blank paper, pens/pencils, colored pencils
Student CenterDescription:
“Seize the day!” as we audition, rehearse, and perform a full production of Newsies! This production experience is for dedicated actors who are ready to grow as people and performers and love being part of a committed and creative ensemble. A variety of roles are available for students who want to focus on either acting, singing, and or dance. Out of class time will be required for memorizing lines, music, blocking, and choreography. Every student will have a role in the show that will allow them to shine and to work with a professional creative directing team. Out of class rehearsals will be held and scheduled according to student availability as well as tech and dress rehearsals in late April, culminating in 3-6 performances spanning 2 weekends in early May. A specific rehearsal and performance schedule will be provided in early summer. Photography and videography of the show is a part of this experience.
Family Volunteer Commitment: Each family will be required to sign up for a volunteer job(s) that support the production side of this class.
Performance Tickets: Each family is required to sell 22 tickets.
A family guide will be available for families to learn more about the show title and the director’s vision on how it will be produced in a professional and God-honoring manner.
Students should have some experience in music such as choir, piano, band, etc. Students should have taken at least one other drama class or have at least one acting production experience.Cost:
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Room:
This class will focus on the novels of Jane Austen as a prism for understanding the world she lived in, both in historical events and in human nature. Students will read a number of Austen’s novels, watch several adaptations of her work, collaborate on creative projects, and develop their own thoughts through essay-writing. We will also participate in English Country Dancing, by hiring a professional dance caller from the local ECD community. Homework should take around 3 hours per week. This class is equivalent to one high school credit of English.
Students should be able to read and write at a high school level.Cost:
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
Pride & Prejudice; Sense & Sensibility; Northanger Abbey; Persuasion; others TBD
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
A Summary History of North and South America, from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego
This is not a traditional history class. It is a composite history of North and South America – beginning with the rise of nationalism in Europe 150 years before Columbus.
The story covers seven hundred years which leaves little time to concentrate on any one event. Nonetheless the purpose is not in the details, but in the overview. The student will learn of the societies, cultures, dynamics, motives, and the incredible variety that gave us the cultures and ethos we enjoy today.
A portion of this history curriculum is devoted to basic earth sciences and geography. We will explore how the shape of events (and even the shape of the globe) shapes you and me. Some emphasis is placed on geo-political dynamics and the Colombian Exchange, the major eco-historical impact on both the Americas and Europe.
$228 tuition per year, paid in six $38 payments. $12 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $12 payment.Room:
A Serious Inquiry into Identity, Destiny, Value, and Purpose
This course is designed to take the student through the process of exchanging doubt with quiet confidence. We will navigate the culture of materialism that is predominant in our society and ultimately, we present special creation and Christianity as the singular, satisfying and wholly sustainable conclusion. In thirty-two sessions, the student will engage in a systematic inquiry into identity, destiny, value, and purpose. The most profound questions possible to man are the questions of ‘who am I” and “why am I”. Pursuing these leads a person to an encounter with the God of the universe; stepping into this reality is the starting point for fullness in life.
“The two most important days in life are the day you are born and the day you figure out why.” Mark Twain
$228 tuition per year, paid in six $38 payments. $12 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $12 payment.Textbook:
Students should bring their curiosity!
Student CenterDescription:
A little bit of health, a little bit of science, and a little bit of PE all rolled into one. In this class we will look at how our body works and how we should take care of it. We will examine major body systems and how our lifestyle choices affect the health of that system. Part of each class period we will spend doing physical activity in the form of indoor and outdoor games and activities. Participation in physical activity is a major portion of this class and students should come dressed to play!
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $17 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $17 payment.Room:
Using both a visual and traditional approach to Pre-Algebra, students will be able to understand practical applications of math formulas. Class will consist of reviewing difficult chapter/test problems, introducing the new material for the week, practicing sample homework problems, and at the end of class, introducing honors problems. We will develop strategies for approaching all types of word problems fearlessly! Math U See is an excellent program developed for homeschoolers that works well within the Connections’ experience to support parents. Students in my classes love to learn math! Summer work should include reviewing the Multiplication Tables to the point of facility and a good review of fractions.
Must know math facts, times table facts, fractions, and decimals.Cost:
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $32 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $32 payment.Textbook:
Pre-Algebra Student Pack through Math U See
3-ring binder, paper, pencils, 2 folders to turn in homework.
In 1971, Intel’s tiny 4004 4-bit microprocessor hit the market unleashing a microcomputer revolution that forever changed our world. Microprocessors are used ubiquitously for smart-home control, automobile key fobs, appliances, utility infrastructure, and manufacturing to make these things! Students will get a hands-on introduction to the popular, easy-to-use microprocessor development system called Arduino. Using the C++ programming language, students will learn about input and output control for common devices through a series of fun, hands-on projects for controlling LED lights, simple games, environmental sensing, and remote control using the popular electronics breadboard system (no soldering required). This class is designed to provide foundational knowledge for working with robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
Parents (and grandparents!) are welcome to occasionally join their students in class.
• Interest and desire to learn the Arduino embedded microprocessor and programming environment. • Basic understanding of electrical circuits, electronics, and electromagnetism (covered in Getting Attracted to Electricity & Magnetism and Turning On to Electronics classes). • 6th grade math and reading skills. • Competency in laptop system use including file and folder management. • Good fine-motor skills. • Ability to read small print and color codes on electronic components. • Ability and willingness to follow instructions (verbal and written). • Ability to calmly focus and be engaged with classroom activities. • • As an enrichment course, this is an ungraded class with no homework assignments although work outside class is highly encouraged! • Instructor can provide ideas for parents to test their student's knowledge if desired.Cost:
$300 tuition per year, paid in six $50 payments. $97 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $97 payment.Textbook:
Basic laptop/notebook computer with an available USB port for programming and testing and 500 MB available storage (older model is fine; Arduino software is available for use with Windows, MacOS and Linux).
In 600 BC, the Greek philosopher Tales discovered static electricity. Since then, scientists and inventors have observed, hypothesized, devised experiments and made additional discoveries adding to our understanding of this curious phenomenon. Allesandro Volta’s breakthrough invention of the battery in 1800 and Hans Christian Oersted’s discovery that an electric current creates a magnetic field initiated a myriad of discoveries and innovations that have contributed to the benefits of electricity and electromagnetism we enjoy today. Over the course of the year, students will travel this same path of discovery using dozens of hands-on experiments and projects enabling them to explore and experience the basic principles of electric charge, electricity, and electromagnetism. Significant discoveries and inventions, and the scientists and inventors behind them will be highlighted along the way.
Parents (and grandparents!) are welcome to occasionally join their students in class.
• Interest and desire to learn about electricity and magnetism. • 5th grade math and reading skills. • Good fine-motor skills. • Ability and willingness to follow instructions (verbal and written). • Ability to calmly focus and be engaged with classroom activities. • As an enrichment course, this is an ungraded class with no homework assignments although work outside class is highly encouraged! • Instructor can provide ideas for parents to test their student's knowledge if desired.Cost:
$300 tuition per year, paid in six $50 payments. $77 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $77 payment.Room:
French 1A combined with French 1B is equivalent to a full year high school credit. First year is divided over two years because learning a language is homework intensive and the students are in class only once a week. Once the students have the foundations of 1A and 1B, 2nd year French is covered in a single school year. Aside from Latin, no other language improves one’s English vocabulary more than French does. Class is lively, speaking is encouraged, and culture is celebrated. Daily homework is posted on Canvas, a classroom management system also used at Bellevue College. 4.5-5 hours of homework per week including watching “flipped-classroom” lessons at home. We will say the Lord’s Prayer in French at the beginning of each class.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $27 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $27 payment.Textbook:
I. Grammaire Progressive Du Francais: Niveau Debutant, by Marie Gregoire, French edition, Paperback, ~$22.52, ISBN: 2090381140 or ISBN: 978-2090381146
II. (Answer Key) Grammaire Progressive du Francais: Corriges Niveau Debutant (Progressive du français perfectionnement) (French Edition) (French) 2nd ed. Edition ISBN-13: 978-2090381153 ISBN-10: 2090381159
III. The Berlitz Self-Teacher: French, ISBN: 978-0399513237 or ISBN: 039951323X
IV. Easy French Reader, Premium, Third Edition: A Three-Part Text for Beginning Students + 120 Minutes of Streaming Audio (Easy Reader Series) 3rd Edition ISBN-13: 978-0071850179 ISBN-10: 0071850171
Did you know that nearly all of the benefits of modern electronics that we enjoy today were only discovered or invented in the last 100 years? This exciting class is a sequel to Getting Attracted to Electricity and Magnetism. Students will learn about modern semiconductor electronics through many hands-on projects using real electronics components with the popular electronics breadboard system (no soldering is required). Projects are designed to teach the basic concepts of semiconductors including diodes, LEDs, transistors, integrated circuits, digital logic, and other standard electronic components. Classes utilize a flexible, self-paced, lab-style approach where students can save an unfinished project for the next class or opt to continue working on it outside of class. At the end of the school year, one class session will include optional hands-on soldering instruction.
Parents (and grandparents!) are welcome to occasionally join their students in class.
• Interest and desire to learn about electronics. • Basic understanding of electricity, electric charge, circuits, and electromagnetism (covered in Getting Attracted to Electricity & Magnetism class). • 6th grade math and reading skills. • Good fine-motor skills. • Ability to read small print and color codes on electronic components. • Ability and willingness to follow instructions (verbal and written). • Ability to calmly focus and be engaged with classroom activities. • As an enrichment course, this is an ungraded class with no homework assignments although work outside class is highly encouraged! • Instructor can provide ideas for parents to test their student's knowledge if desired.Cost:
$300 tuition per year, paid in six $50 payments. $77 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $77 payment.Room:
Student CenterDescription:
Have fun learning how to run a meeting, speak off the cuff, give a toast, deliver a speech, recite a poem, and more. The mission of Pipe Up, Public Speaking Club is to afford each of its members stage time in a mutually supportive environment for the purpose of developing public speaking skills. Students will need to have a good attitude and a willingness to be supportive of other students. The fast-paced meetings provide plenty of opportunity for everyone to participate to whatever extent they are comfortable. Parents may choose to make this a class for credit or list it as an extracurricular club activity.
$204 tuition per year, paid in six $34 payments. $52 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $52 payment.Room:
Quiet Study is available for students and parents who wish to study or participate in other quiet activities. Conversation is allowed, but we ask that you keep the noise level low to not disturb those who are studying, or the classes next door. Food is allowed, but please clean up after yourself. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
If a student is not enrolled in a class, they need to be in this room, in Quiet Study, or in their car with a parent. This study hall can only be used during or between your family’s classes. Children under eight must have an adult who is directly responsible for them in the room with them at all times. This room is intended for visiting, games, or group activities. Behavior and volume should reflect an appropriate indoor level. Food and beverages are allowed. Quiet studying is available in the Quiet Study or upstairs at the table in the open area with an adult present.
Did you know that King Nebuchadnezzar knew the prophet Jeremiah? Did you know that Cleopatra had twins? Ancient history is not only fascinating in its own right, but is essential to understanding the roots of our western civilization. The ancient world is also the world of the Bible. Come with us on an exciting journey as we study the cultures, geography, people, and events of the western, ancient world! Egypt, the Near East, Mesopotamia & the Fertile Crescent, Persia, Greece, and Rome are among the civilizations that will be covered in the course. We will also look at the timeline of the Bible and connect it to its broader context. I love to integrate art, music, geography, science, and math into the study of history, so be prepared for some hands-on and sensory learning, mapwork (even a salt dough map), art projects, and timelines. There will be about 1-1 1/2 hours of homework every week (depending on how quickly your student reads and completes assignments). I am happy to work with students who are gifted and/or have learning disabilities.
The ability to read or listen to the text, and pay attention and participate in class.Cost:
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $52 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $52 payment.Textbook:
Text TBD
12 pack colored pencils
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
Student CenterDescription:
Note that this class meets both Monday and Wednesday
The goal of Beginning Band is to teach a band instrument to someone who may or may not have had any prior musical experience. The student may begin on flute, clarinet, trumpet, or trombone. Later in the year they may switch to other instruments of the band such as saxophone, percussion, horn, etc. The teacher will demonstrate all of the instruments the first day of class and will check lips, hands, and teeth to make sure they choose an instrument they can be successful playing. You will also be given information on renting or buying an instrument. Please do not choose an instrument until after the first class meeting. We will have two concerts per year and possibly a band festival in March. Attendance is required at all performances. Class meets twice a week until January, then we will have sectionals every other week, so you may not need to come both days each week. Students are expected to practice 20-30 minutes a day, 5 times a week. Sheet music will be on loan to the student and must be turned in when done. Students from Intermediate, Advanced, and Wind Ensemble who want to learn a second instrument will be put on a waiting list for Beginning Band until September, and then if there is still room in the class they will be able to join. If you are playing a second instrument, have already played in band a year, and you obtain Robin’s approval, you only have to come to band on Monday. If you have any questions, email Robin at
8/10 – As we learn more about the virus it seems that it is spread through exposure to aerosols. Having 20 plus students in a room blowing on instruments and talking without masks is not a good idea. As for myself, being over 50 and having a few heart conditions, being exposed to this for several hours a day in an enclosed room is not a good risk factor for me.
I was so hoping to be able to get back together and play music this fall. Online teaching for band is not-so-great, even though the kids did a great job hanging in with it last Spring. We considered having band outside, but with our PNW weather that would only be possible for a month or so.
There is ongoing research on how to decrease the aerosol spread when playing instruments using bell covers, portable HVAC machines, and distancing. I am watching my colleagues in public and private schools, colleges, as well as symphony orchestras closely to see what they find out. What I will be looking at in order to proceed with band is King/Snohomish counties going into stage 3 or 4; or else a vaccine.
I’ll check in with you in October and update you with what is going on.
Mrs. Stangland
$288 tuition per year, paid in six $48 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment. Includes both Monday and Wednesday.Textbook:
Yamaha Band Student Book 1.
Students to supply their own instrument and music stand.
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
Student CenterDescription:
Musical performance in a concert setting varies wildly within formal contexts, including choirs, competitions, and musicals. This class will challenge students to grow as performers who can relate to an audience and tell a story or relate to a theme through song. Students will learn vocal technique as well as ways to inform their performance with the “what” behind a song. Harmony, blending techniques, movement, and audience rapport-building will all be part of this class. There will be two performances, one in December/January and one in April/May. Expectations: mandatory memorization, regular attendance, 1-1.5 hours a week outside of class. Audio/video recording or photography of rehearsal or performances may occur and be publicly posted.
UPDATE: Due to regulations regarding the current pandemic, class will change. Singing rehearsals will be done at home, in small breakout groups (outside of class), and via online coaching sessions. In class time will be spent studying performance and practice/discussion around that. Performances will be recorded, live streamed, or in-person depending on what is allowed. The plan is to start class in person, if students are not comfortable attending in person, they should be prepared to attend class online when required and to watch recordings of class and respond appropriately.
Any formal music training (vocal, choral or instrumental)Cost:
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $82 copy/supply fee per semester, paid in two $82 payments.Room:
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
Robert Campbell’s desire is to make piano lessons fun and meaningful for all his students. Beginning through advanced students are invited to take lessons with Robert. For a free consultation, please see Robert on Monday or Wednesday or call him (425-273-5657) to schedule an appointment. Most lessons are 30 minutes. To schedule a Monday or Wednesday lesson time, please call or email him.
$1080 tuition per year, paid in six $180 payments. $22 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $22 payment.Textbook:
Any required music books are to be purchased by the student or parents of the student. Regarding all music and materials used, all applicable copyright laws will be followed by students and the instructor.
Influential author and academic Dorothy Sayers said, “The best grounding for education is the Latin grammar. I say this not because Latin is traditional and medieval, but simply because even a rudimentary knowledge of Latin cuts down the labor and pains of learning almost any other subject by at least 50 percent.” Studies also show that Latin students consistently outperform all other students on the verbal portion of the SAT and continue to maintain a higher GPA in university. This comprehensive and rigorous class presents Latin in an engaging and enjoyable manner. Students will solidify their understanding of English grammar by learning to conjugate and decline Latin words. Students will also translate Latin sentences in a logical progression, using all eight parts of speech. The relevance of Latin in history, ancient, and contemporary culture will be explored, and English vocabulary will increase through the study of derivatives. 90% of all polysyllabic English words come from Latin! Readings adapted from Latin literature will also develop logic and problem solving skills. Training in Roman culture, myths, and history will be done through arts integration and hands-on projects. Students will be required to memorize noun and verb endings, as well as about 275 Latin words. Students should expect to spend about 3 hours each week on homework outside of class. Access to email and internet is required. One high school language credit.
This class will also have an alternate live online version on a separate day of the week for those students who do not feel comfortable with in-person meetings, and for students who miss their in-person class due to illness or vacation, etc.
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Latin Alive! Book One, Classical Academic Press, Version 3.0 or later, ISBN: 978-1-60051-054-0
Mind Benders Level 4 or 5, Critical Thinking Company (instructor will email about this before classes begin)
Student CenterDescription:
An upper-level performance opportunity for the more accomplished singer who wants to be challenged. Students perform choral literature of all styles including but not limited to worship music, jazz, show tunes, and from all periods of music history. Emphasis is placed on the use of proper choral and vocal technique, music theory, and intermediate music reading skills. Connections choirs present two concerts per year, a Christmas concert and a spring concert.
Alumni and parents who have students in choir and who meet the prerequisite are welcome to sing with us.
ability to match tonesCost:
$240 tuition per year, paid in six $40 payments. $47 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $47 payment.Room:
This class is a continuation of Latin I. We will complete Latin Alive! Book 1 and continue on to Book 2. Students will learn reflexive, relative and interrogative pronouns, pluperfect and future perfect, passive voice in all tenses; past, present and future participles; deponent and irregular verbs; and comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. Extensive study of Latin derivatives and stories of Roman culture, myths, and history make Latin come alive. Substantial Latin readings and translation exercises adapted from Latin literature will develop English grammar, vocabulary, and logic and problem solving skills. Training in Roman culture, myths and history will be done through arts integration and hands-on projects. Students should expect to spend about 3.5 hours each week on homework outside of class. Access to email and internet is required. One high school language credit..
Latin I or teacher’s permissionCost:
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Latin Alive! Book One, Classical Academic Press, ISBN: 978-1-60051-055-7.
Latin Alive! Book Two, Version 1.0 or later, ISBN: 978-1-60051-057-1 will be used 2nd semester.
This class is a continuation of Latin II. We will finish Latin Alive! Book 2 and complete Book 3. Students will learn all forms of participles, independent, dependent and relative clauses, all infinitives, gerunds, deponent verbs, supine, subjunctive, conditions, purpose, result, relative, result, and proviso clauses. Extensive study of Latin derivatives and stories of Roman culture, myths and history make Latin come alive. Latin poetry will be studied, including dactylic hexameter, and substantial Latin works from Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Sallust, Nepos, Varro, Cato, Ennius, and Livy will be translated, preparing the student for the Latin SAT, as well as developing English grammar, vocabulary, logic, and problem solving skills. Students should expect to spend about 3.5-4 hours each week on homework outside of class. Access to email and internet required. One high school language credit.
Latin II or teacher’s permission.Cost:
$282 tuition per year, paid in six $47 payments. $42 copy/supply fee per year, paid in one $42 payment.Textbook:
Latin Alive! Book Two, Classical Academic Press, Version 1.0 or later, ISBN: 978-1-60051-057-1
Latin Alive! Book Three, Classical Academic Press, Version 1.0 or later, ISBN: 978-1-60051-084-7
Quiet Study is available for students and parents who wish to study or participate in other quiet activities. Conversation is allowed, but we ask that you keep the noise level low to not disturb those who are studying, or the classes next door. Food is allowed, but please clean up after yourself. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Quiet Study is available for students and parents who wish to study or participate in other quiet activities. Conversation is allowed, but we ask that you keep the noise level low to not disturb those who are studying, or the classes next door. Food is allowed, but please clean up after yourself. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult.