Beginning Latin

11:20 am - 12:20 pm
8 to 11


Mt Baker


Influential author and academic Dorothy Sayers said, “The best grounding for education is the Latin grammar. I say this not because Latin is traditional and medieval, but simply because even a rudimentary knowledge of Latin cuts down the labor and pains of learning almost any other subject by at least 50 percent.”

About 80% of all English words are derived from Latin. Studies of elementary students who have taken Latin show a significant advancement in world knowledge, reading, grammar, spelling, science, and social studies. Young children’s brains are ripe for learning a language, and studying Latin has the added benefit of increasing English vocabulary and improving the understanding and usage of English grammar, all while learning to read, write, speak, and translate sentences in Latin.

Students will also develop literary and cultural appreciation for the Romans through ancient Greek and Roman myths and other stories. To connect how the Romans still influence the world today, students will complete projects like mosaic tile making, creating a Latin version of Clue, and performing plays in Latin. As well, the arts will be integrated into the classroom to promote the growth of neural pathways in the brain so that the learning is more cohesive and permanent!


$300 tuition per year, paid in six $50 payments. $50 supply fee per year, paid in one $50 payment.


Latin for Children, Primer A, Version 4.0 or later, ISBN: 978-1-60051-000-7  
