Daniel: Beyond the Lions and Fire

10:10 am - 11:10 am
14 and up


Mt Baker


Many of us know two things about the book of Daniel, both learned on Sunday mornings when we were young: Daniel was sent to a lion’s den to be eaten, and his friends were thrown into a fiery furnace. But there is so much more to this book! Written long ago, the book of Daniel is a record of events that began during the time of the exile of the Jews to Babylon and whose prophecies yet to be fulfilled will reach to the very end of time. It’s a world history class with a glimpse into the future, a handbook on maintaining hope when all seems lost, and a guide for learning how to become wise, all wrapped up in twelve chapters full of visions and dreams, world powers and politics, angels and the Ancient of Days, and fascinating stories of past, present, and future.

This class may be taken for one high school humanities credit – history, bible, or elective.


$300 tuition per year, paid in six $50 payments. $50 supply fee per year, paid in one $50 payment.


Students will need a copy of the New English Translation (NET) Bible. www.christianbook.com has a wide selection of this version at great prices.
