Engineer Your World

10:10 am - 11:10 am
10 to 12




While the scientific method is focused on asking good questions and making discoveries, engineering is all about skillfully applying our knowledge to solve problems. The goal of this class is to learn the engineering process by applying it to solving a series of presented challenges that will require design, construction, testing, and improvement. Over the course of the year, students are introduced to the basic engineering design process, different materials, and example applications to equip them to engineer their own solutions that meet specified requirements.

Several classes will be dedicated to applying the engineering process to challenges such as towers, bridges, catapults, land and air vehicles, “Rube Goldberg” chain reaction machines and more using common materials (all instructor-provided). As this class is very interactive and group-oriented, the number of students is intentionally kept small with a narrow age range to facilitate working in small, dedicated teams to experience the satisfaction and joy of what can be accomplished through good engineering.

This class is specifically for 5th and 6th grade students.

Instructor permission is required; please complete this form to apply.


Good fine motor skills. Temperament and self-discipline to be patiently engaged interactively with the class.


$402 tuition per year, paid in six $67 payments. $30 supply fee per year, paid in one $30 payment.