
11:20 am - 12:20 pm
12 and up




This course is designed to be a complete year of high school Geometry. Topics will include: lines, planes, angles and their relationships; three-dimensional objects, their volume and surface area; inductive and deductive reasoning and proofs; intro to Trigonometry. Some Algebra I review will be built into the course, but students must have completed Algebra 1 as a pre-requisite.

To cover a full year’s worth of material in 32 meetings will require 4-5 hours of homework per week as we will be moving through the material at a brisk pace. I will also establish standing office hours on Teams on Friday for students who have questions or would like help.

Students will be responsible for checking their own homework, as well as completing quizzes and projects at home. Tests will be given in class.


Algebra 1


$420 tuition per year, paid in six $70 payments. $25 supply fee per year, paid in one $25 payment.


Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach, by Michal Serra. Publisher: Key Curriculum Press. Available in print or pdf.

Supplies needed: Notebook, paper, calculator (scientific or graphing–a graphing calculator will serve you longer), compass, protractor.
