High School Forensic Science

11:20 am - 12:20 pm
15 and up




CSI – Connections! Forensic Science or “forensics” is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system. Learn and use concepts from biology, chemistry, physics, history and political science to analyze and evaluate evidence. Learn techniques for evidence collection and wrap your mind around deductive reasoning puzzles. Many hands-on activities and intriguing case studies make this an interesting and engaging class. Class time will include lecture, labs, and videos. There are no tests in this class. Students will read ~ 20 pages per week, answer review questions and maintain a Laboratory Notebook. Homework will be 2-3 hours per week.


All students are expected to fully participate in homework and labs. Auditing is not allowed.


$324 tuition per year, paid in six $54 payments. $65 supply fee per year, paid in one $65 payment.


Fundamentals & Investigations 2nd Edition (2015), Bertino & Bertino, ISBN-13 978-1305077119

E-book and rentals also available. Be sure to get 2nd edition. Please have on first day of class.
