Loving Literature

9:00 am - 10:00 am
6 to 8




This class will provide an opportunity for students to meet and share wonderful literature together. Class will start out with picture books that we read in class, and towards spring we will move into chapter books that students will read at home, and come to class ready to discuss. Each book will be discussed using questions designed to help students develop deeper thinking. We will look at the characters, setting, author’s purpose, literary elements, and more. Activities related to our story will sometimes be included. Students will learn how to keep a Literature Journal to record their learning. The goal of this class is to learn to LOVE literature and experience the amazing world of books. Books will be a mix of genres.


$270 tuition per year, paid in six $45 payments. $25 supply fee per year, paid in one $25 payment.


Students are to provide: chapter books for spring, TBD
