Spanish 2

10:10 am - 11:10 am
14 and up




The students in Spanish 2 will continue their written and verbal study of Spanish at a more advanced level. Students will continue to study Spanish grammar as they learn to converse in this wonderful language. We will continue to build upon conversation skills learned in Spanish 1, increase vocabulary, and cover more in-depth grammar. We will study direct and indirect objective pronouns, stem changing and reflexive verbs, negative and positive commands, and preterit and imperfect tenses. Spanish 2 covers the entire second year of high school Spanish. It is a very intense class, and the material is very advanced. Plan on 3-4 hours of homework per week. Around the holidays, we will look at how different countries celebrate and will learn about folkloric dances and music. I am looking forward to sharing my bilingual life and multicultural world with your student this upcoming school year.


Spanish 1


$384 tuition per year, paid in six $64 payments. $38 supply fee per year, paid in one $38 payment.


Spanish is Fun Book 1, by Heywood Wald, 5th edition, soft bound, ISBN: 9781634199285
Spanish is Fun Cuaderno de Ejercicios, ISBN 1531106331

Students are to provide: 3 ring binder with 4 dividers, several packs of index cards to use throughout the year, red pen, and pencil with eraser.
